Labels: James
Weezer's self titled (or The Blue Album to some people) debut was the ideal album to turn my life around. The day I first heard opening track My Name Is Jonas, I would have been at least 9 or 10 years old. Almost straight away I was thinking "what is this?" or something along those lines. Hearing this sort of music for the first time made an impact on me, at first negatively, but it grew and grew and grew and I became obsessed. This was one of those albums where I would sit at my stereo or in those days my dads stereo, chuck a pair of headphones in and listen to this album non-stop. This album was my everything. My party album, my bedtime album, my bored album, my happy album, it was the cure for my everything. I remember seeing the filmclip for Buddy Holly and I was absolutely amazed, I actually believed that the members from Happy Days were in their diner dancing to Weezer, I was sadly told the truth later on. To this day, Weezers debut is always an album I love to go back on and reflect.
Weezer My Name Is Jonas / Undone (The Sweater Song) / Buddy Holly / Say It Ain't So
Forever Changes has definitely got be on everybody's Life Changing Album's list. Arthur Lee was in some way an inspiration to everybody, whether it be his song writing, his showmanship, his devotion, it just would have been amazing to witness this man live. Yet another album I got sucked into a young age (maybe 12 years old?), the first song I ever heard was Alone Again Or. I was unfamiliar in those days of classic albums from the 60's or let alone classic albums all together, but this was something. Forever Changes is very well one of the best rock albums ever made. With song's like The Red Telephone, Bummer In The Summer, and Maybe The People... how could this not be a classic?
Love Maybe People Would Be The Times Or Between Clark And Hilldale / Alone Again Or
At the time of listening to Songs For The Deaf I was going through a massive rock, heavy metal, punk phase. So there was no doubting that this album was up there in the way of high rotation. You Think I Ain't... was just a massive song, just right in your face, terrific opener. No One Knows (anyone else remember that filmclip?) was superb, and Go With The Flow was just the sealer! What really attracted me to this album was Dave Grohl, this guy was literally my idol and was the main man on my bedroom wall. Everything he did I thought was genius (yep, even that Probot band he formed).
Queens Of The Stone Age You Think I Ain't Worth A Dollar, But I Feel Like A Millionaire / No One Knows
First off, let me state that I had no idea who this band was when I heard this for the first time and I had no idea whatsoever that they were the band with the highly infectious 90's song Push Tha' Little Daisies. So, I went into this album with no expectations at all (I was much of thinking in those days anyway). The way the band chopped and changed their genre of music between everything song was captivating and plain creative. It's Gonna Be A Long Night, Hey There Fancypants, So Many People In The Neighbourhood, all legendary pieces of work. It wasn't until later in my life (a couple of years ago) that I realised that Dean And Gene Ween were some of the biggest druggies in the musical world, this shocked me, but then it also made sense.
Ween It's Gonna Be A Long Night
Wow, wow, wow, and wow! This album was just so big on me it was overwhelming. At The Drive-In were possibly the biggest impact on my life, and still to this day I cant get enough of Relationship Of Command. What made things sweeter, Iggy Pop featuring on Rolodex Propaganda. Invalid Letter Dept. was the first track I heard and to this day it's still one of my favorites, a track I can just listen on repeat for so long. Pattern Against User, One Armed Scissor and Enfilade are everything I love in a punk rock album.
At The Drive-In Rolodex Propaganda / Enfilade / One Armed Scissor
Arthur Lee died last year and there was barely a mention in the MSM.
Just wrong.
Anonymous, at 6:40 pm, March 22, 2007
Good list. Weezer's Blue one is definitely high up on my list as well. I give Pinkerton a little bit higher rating tho. The production value and the timeless-ness of the songs on it have made just that tiny bit more impression on me.
QOTSA are definitely good, but have you ever dug a little bit deeper in Josh Homme's past and tried listening to Kyuss' Welcome to Sky Valley maybe?
Martin, at 12:33 am, March 24, 2007
The Blue album is one of the most quintesential alt rock records ever made, hands down. It's absolutely flawless and I can totally realte to how that album could suit so many emotions.
Pinkerton to me, is their masterpiece, but it's a case of you can't have one without the other I think. Pinkerton's raw quality would not have the same impact it had if Blue wasn't their. debut
Anonymous, at 12:11 am, March 26, 2007
Great tunes - I love Ween and Love are one of the most under-rated bands ever. If you like Ween, you may also like a Manchester band called the Abodes - they're kind of wonky guitar pop and their new album, Chicko Scene is available for FREE by following this link -
Check them out next time you're bored...
Chaffinch Jones, at 10:36 am, April 10, 2007
Also check out the OFFICIAL ABODES SITE for our latest FREE TUNES etc.
Anonymous, at 6:19 pm, May 24, 2007
albüm dinle
şarkı sözü
Kasas_Aka, at 5:35 pm, July 05, 2011
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