Labels: JamesGround Components are a band that every single person in the world should get to know and love to death. This band is your perfect party starter and can easily be listened to by any sort of person, no matter what genre they listen to. Basing their stuff mostly on ska the band is a breathe of fresh air and have a unique sound. Seeing them live is absolutely amazing. I don't think lead singer Joe has finished a set with his shirt on yet. Ground Components, in my eyes, have already taken the prize for Best Album Title Ever with last years An Eye For A Brow, A Tooth For A Pick. Try and think up an excuse for not liking this band, i dare you!
Ground Components Head In The Sand
Ground Components Hands In The Air
Ground Components On Your Living Room Floor
Ground Components Coming In From All Angles (feat. Macromantics)
surely one of the most underrated albums of '06. love these guys!
Anonymous, at 11:30 pm, March 12, 2007
şarkı sözü
wolfteam hileleri
Kasas_Aka, at 7:47 pm, July 18, 2011
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