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Kings Of Leon On Call
Kings Of Leon Charmer
Kings Of Leon My Party
i can't believe how awful this album is. Maybe you have to listen a few times, but i was shocked at the lack of memorable tunes on first listen. Their last album was amazing in a different way to the first, but i really doubt this album will be half as popular.
Anonymous, at 11:08 pm, February 28, 2007
I've listened to it numerous of times for the past week and a half; I quite like it.
I'm a big fan of their previous two albums and sure their sound has changed in each. With some albums you just have to let it grow on you. The new one was one of those types.
Anonymous, at 11:53 pm, February 28, 2007
I disagree...I've listened to the album countless times now, and I've loved every song from the first time through. I agree that the band is trying something a little different, but it's my opinion that it worked quite well for them. This is definitely one of my favorite albums of the new year.
Anonymous, at 3:13 am, March 01, 2007
you 3 really cover every aspects of the opinion spectrum so ill ruin the balance... sorry
i subscribe to the sandra kind of thinking. I didn't go head over heels for the album on the first listen but it didnt take much more than that to grow on me.
the best analogy i have for a band like KOL is when they make that decision to try and soar high above the clouds... to not so much reach for the heavens, but while ur in heaven get ur name on the guestlist for next time.
this album got them on my guestlist (im not saying im god... well on that comment it seems as if i am) oww well, i love it, u posted some fine tracks!
Pix, at 3:25 pm, March 01, 2007
Wow, bit different than my reaction. I thought that Heartbreak took a couple spins before it grabbed you, while Times grabbed me right away with the first song, and I've been playing the whole album constantly since.
Anonymous, at 5:28 pm, March 01, 2007
i just think they're not afraid to weird people out anymore.
Anonymous, at 11:11 pm, March 01, 2007
I heard them on the TV the other day, and was blown away, then i realised it was KOL - which made perfect sense.. They are mindblowing and have got such much talent.. thanks guys you really now how to rock n' roll..... never disapointed... addicated already... amazing sounds with beats that make you want to go wild and fill you with energy...
Anonymous, at 1:58 am, April 01, 2007
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