Labels: JamesI can honestly say that I have been a fan of Bloc Party since the very beginning. A lot of people would claim it to and yeah they're probably telling the truth, but your not truly there number 1 fan unless you become one of their Myspace friends right from the start (I was their 21st friend, haha). Anyway, A Weekend In The City is their newest release, very anticipated and incredibly over hyped. And what's this I'm hearing about Kele being gay!? I've given the album a few listens now and well, it's nothing special. They've changed their style a bit, still got the same guitar licks that people love and the funky beats to keep you dancing, but it's a little boring. I was a huge fan of Silent Alarm and I always had that on rotation, it hardly ever left the stereo, but after a couple of listens to the new cd, I was more then happy to take it out and put something else on.
Bloc Party The Prayer
Bloc Party Positive Tension
Bloc Party Positive Tension (The Go! Team Remix)
Silent Alarm was great. I agree the new one is doing nothing for me. It seems to lack the urgency of the debut and Kele seems to be over singing on every track.
Wayne Massingham, at 10:50 pm, February 04, 2007
Call me crazy, but I actually prefer their new record to Silent Alarm. It's definitely different, but overall, I think it's more mature effort. Some of the songs can really hit an emotional chord.
Ke Bove, at 8:06 am, February 05, 2007
mmm, so by establishing your cred firsthand by being an 'old skool' fan, you feel its justified to then write off the new album? - thats a little weak.
I agree Silent Alarm was amazing, the album of 2005 for me without a doubt - and i have to say that despite the fact its only early Feb, Weekend In The City is already a contender for album of the year. still each to their own
Anonymous, at 11:48 am, February 05, 2007
no not at all!...i was really looking forward to this release, and i was just saying that i was really hoping they wouldn't drift too far away from their style that was Silent Alarm, which in my opinion they did...i might have to give the album a few more listens and let it sink in before i can completely ride it off
Off The Record, at 3:54 pm, February 05, 2007
I'd have to agree with Wayne, I find it one of the most disappointing follow-ups ever after a great album like Silent Alarm. It's overwrought and sounds as if they've taken a step back, not forward. Most of it actually bugged me enough to keep turning it off, despite repeated listens.
Anonymous, at 9:41 pm, February 05, 2007
A Weekend in the City proves that Bloc Party will be with us for a long, long time. The truly great bands can morph their style over time (U2, Radiohead, etc.). Bloc Party have done this here. Sure, it may lack the high octane pace of Silent Alarm, but it has more depth and challenges the listener (suggest you hear on repeat through headphones late at night). Would you prefer they became one-dimensional and limited i.e. Feeder?
Unknown, at 8:17 pm, February 06, 2007
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