Every little now and then a new band emerges with sounds of something fresh and promising. Slipping into that radar is a very young band and one of Sydney's own, Papa Vs Pretty. Catching on quickly is their described 'soaring, beat-afflicted post-gaze new-wave', but anything goes, really. Their music is a vast mixture of band's influences from Talking Heads, Radiohead, Beck, Joy Division to Grizzly Bear, blending sombre sounds of haunting synths, pulsating guitar build ups and the guileless vocals of frontman Thomas Rawle. Having reformed last year with their current line up, the band have graced the airplay of Sydney's FBi radio and played numerous shows throughout the country and at some big festivals like Laneway, Peats Ridge and Parklife alongside some like-minded Dappled Cities, Temper Trap, The Devoted Few and Seabellies. Papa Vs Pretty, however exert an extreme amount of talent and energy of their own, showcased through their live performances with such flair and exuberance; making an incredible impression of a definite band to watch. They've just released their second and latest EP comprised of some of tracks I'll let you have a taste test listen to below.
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