To this day I can honestly say that I have never really given much thought about Mimes. It's not that I have a distaste for them or don't appreciate what they do; their just people who have never crossed my mind or I've spared a moment to give a though too. That is until now because I can tell you that after just witnessing Abe Vigoda's video for Skeleton I'm officially spooked. The way the group portrays these Mimes - whilst still rocking out to the tune, might I add - is eerie to say the least. There's glimpses of freaky smiles, weird hair-do's and extreme close ups of the members faces just starring blankingly. It's enough to give a small child nightmares. On top of this though, the film-clip is actually really incredibly brilliant. I'm sort of lost for words in just how to describe it but the way the camera shakes with each members bopping, the way it chops from one side of the group performing to the other and just the cross fades really keeps the interest level at a high. You have no choice but to watch, it's hard to look away. Even if the band does look their thinking about killing you. This is a stunning track from a stunning album, and if I were to recommend a "tropical-punk" album to someone whose interested I would hands down go for Skeleton. I'm also well aware that Skeleton may be the only "tropical punk" album in existence but that doesn't mean it's not crap.
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