Saturday, September 20, 2008

Pepi Ginsberg

There's just something about Pepi Ginsberg that has me infatuated. With every listen of this singer/song-writer's album, Red, I find myself only going back for another listen, and then another listen on top of that. The album was produced by Dr. Dog's Scott McMicken and with his expertise behind the desk he was able to expand Ginsberg's vintage feel and make it a compelling album. Her vocals are invigorating and layered with emotion that only further encapsulates whoever listens. Pepi's influences range from everywhere, most notably being that of Bob Dylan, but also the likes of Jolie Holland (perhaps a little more upbeat) and vocal influence (most notably through In My Bones) has got to be from Patti Smith. She creates the sort of music that's nostalgic, covered with this analog feel and would even fit nicely into the soundtrack for a Gondry film.

Pepi Ginsberg The Waterline
Pepi Ginsberg In My Bones
Pepi Ginsberg Ghosts Of Perdition

Purchase Red and watch the video for The Waterline.


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