Boy oh boy oh boy, you do not understand how great the big day out festival was this year. One of the best line-ups anyone has seen at the festival for a long time and it was proven at the show when the festival had about 300,000 people walking around and jumping up and down, it was crazy, you were stuggling just to find space to breathe. Me and the family arrived at the festival at about 11:15am, so that meant that we missed a bit of Airbourne's set. For those of you who may not have heard of the band i'll cut it for you short and sweet...they are the biggest rip offs of AC/DC you will ever see, but in a good way though. We got bored of the set after a couple of songs so we decided to go and catch the rest of The Grates set, who seemed to have put on a great show and where attracting one hell of a crowd. The Grates finished their set off with "Sukkafish" which is a personal favorite of mine so i was happy that i got to see that. After The Grates we didn't have to move far (only about 5 metres) to go see The Greenhornes, who i was actually planning on seeing because they will be supporting Kings Of Leon on their sideshows. The Greenhornes started off really good they got the crowd going and everyone had their hands in the air, but then something must have gone wrong because the crowd just lost interest and all of a sudden dissapeared. I stayed until the end because they did a James Brown cover version, im not quite sure what song though, but it was good. Now it was time for a little brake. We did a bit of walking around the place and soon got very bored, so it was time to head back to the tent and catch the rest of The Subways. I dont know any of their songs but "Rock And Roll Queen" and they did that song last and the crowd went balistic. The one band / artist i was looking forward to seeing today was Sarah Blasko. She had this massive intro to her set and when she came out i just thought to myself this is going to be one hell of a show. She didn't prove me wrong either bringing out all her hits and even a new song. I was that excited to see Sarah Blasko that i told my dad that i might get a little bit crazy and go nuts. Which i did. Now it was onto the worse band of the day Cut Copy. They honestly did not grab me at all during their set...but their fans seemed to have thought different so what do i know? The second best band on the day by far was Sleater-Kinney. Do these girls know how to rock or do they know how to rock? With each squeeling chorus they sang it just made me smile, the really heavy guitar riffs made my ears go nuts for more, and the drumming was just superb. The best part was, they ended with my favorite song of theirs "Entertain". Ok thats part one of the Big Day Out post's. In a couple of days i'll post the next half...which will consist of me meeting Jack White, getting on stage with Iggy Pop and getting my ear drums blown out of my head!
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